Have a big idea for your college campus's Jewish community?

Here's your chance to kickstart it!

Shtark Tank offers motivated individuals (and student teams) the unique opportunity to share their ideas with a panel of student leaders ("Shtarks"), who are ready and excited to offer constructive advice and funding to make your idea a reality!

Up to $25,000 in funding is available.

Application Due Feb 11, 2024! Click HERE for the application

So What's YOUR Idea?

Shtark Tank inspires and supports student creativity and innovation. In total, students have received over $80,000 in funding for their ideas. Here are some previous winners.

Yavneh NYC

Powered by Yavneh Fellows located in NYC, this initiative is focused on connecting New York City based students and creating a powerful network of leaders who are only a subway ride away.

Yavneh’s NHTB

Spearheaded by Yair Koswosky-Sachs and team at University of Maryland, National Hillel Torah Bowl is a quiz bowl shabbaton and competition for Jewish college students nationwide who want to flex their Torah muscles while building their social network.

The Shabbat Project

Neima Pollak (Stern College) and Yakir Zwebner (University of Chicago) created this program to help enliven the Shabbat experience on college campuses with smaller Jewish communities. Groups of students travel all around the country sharing the joy of Shabbat with their peers.

Yavneh Neighboring School Shabbatons

Started by students at Binghamton and Cornell University and led by Sarah Smart, this initiative seeks to unite neighboring college communities in places which are far out, to spend shabbat together to learn and grow their communities.

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Bnot Sinai

Tamar Beer (Stern College) created Bnot Sinai, a women’s summer beit midrash program in New York. Her mission is to provide young women with the opportunity to expand their minds and reach great heights in their Torah knowledge.

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Israeli Design

Racheli Weiss (Fashion Institute of Technology) hosted an evening of Israeli design and culture. The event brought together a number of prominent Israeli designers to showcase their work and discuss the Israeli roots of their art.

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The Kumsitz Project

Tani Polansky (Yeshiva University) is working to unite the Jewish world through the power of the kumsitz: Torah, music and food.


It All Starts With A Handshake

Sarit Sandler (Florida State University) produced this documentary video project. It is a campaign video to create an open dialogue between Muslims and Jews in a fun, entertaining and educational way.

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Gil Domb (Arizona State University) hosted a series of mitzvah days for students on campus, parallel to the NCAA basketball tournament. Winners received a free trip to study in Israel!

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Beyond the Bagel

Benji Dukas, Leora Troy and Isaac Dayan (University of Pennsylvania) are learning about Jewish history and culture through the lens of food: hosting meals highlighting different ethnic Jewish foods, speakers and music.