March Mitzvah Madness: Making our community a better place one action at a time
This March, join us in making our community at ASU a better place by performing Mitzvot: acts of love and kindness. It's simple: come to our Mitzvah events (schedule below) and/or perform Mitzvot on your own. Post pictures of yourself with the hashtags #MarchMitzvahMadness #ASU #NCJ. You accumulate points: 5 points for each event that you attend and 1 point for each additional Mitzvah that you do.
You can win awesome Swag and a FREE TRIP TO ISRAEL!
- Create consistency in any Mitzvah that we take upon ourselves (daily or weekly)
- Personalization – What works for you?
- Create Shabbat - Dos and Don'ts
- Pictures posts on Shabbat do not count (take pictures and post before or after Shabbat)
- To receive points, all posts require Hashtags: #MarchMitzvahMadness #ASU #NCJ
- All mitzvot are 1 point, all group events are 5 points.
Me-to-G-d Mitzvot
Washing Hands (Netillat Yadayim)
Learn about the Mitzvah of Tefilin
Put tefillin on once/once a week/once a day (except Shabbat)
Learn about the Mitzvah of Tzitzit
Wear Tzitzit
Make Havdalah
How to perform Havdalah at www.aish.com/sh/ht/as/48970721.html
Torah Study class (JAC/Chabad, & Hillel and Matan)
Attend a Shabbat meal
JAC Hosts a Shabbat dinner every Friday night 7:30pm and Shabbat lunch every Saturday at 1pm JAC House is located at 69 w 13th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281.
Hillel Student center hosts a Shabbat Dinner every Friday night at 6pm Hillel is located at 1012 S Mill Ave, Tempe AZ 85281.
Chabad hosts a Shabbat dinner every Friday night at 7:30pm at the Chabad house located at 971 S Ash Ave, Tempe, AZ 85281
Learn about the Mitzvah of eating kosher
Eat a Kosher snack
For a list of kosher snacks go to http://cookiesandmoreinc.com/kosher/
Eat a Kosher meal
Chick-in is a kosher restaurant on campus at ASU that even accepts M&G
Prayer/speaking to God in your own words
Learn about the Mitzvah of Mezuzah
Put up a Mezuzah on your door
Make blessings over food/drink
Wear a kippah for the day
Light Shabbat Candles
Recite the Kiddush prayer at your Friday night or Saturday Shabbat lunch meal
Shema Once in morning/once at bedtime/both
Say the Modeh Ani prayer in the morning when you wake up
Recite the Grace after meals prayer
Me-to-Others Mitzvot
Give Tzedakah (Charity) or Give out food to homeless people
Volunteer at a shelter/soup kitchen
Social work / Tikkun Olam
Hold a Jewish event in your home: A purim party, Shabbat meal, Jewish social event
Helping other people to perform their own Mitzvahs
Torah Study (Chevruta Learning Torah with a friend or Rabbi/Rebetzen)
To get a one-on-one learning session on campus, contact one of the following:
JAC – Rabbi Mitch Goldstein rabbimitch@gmail.com
JAC – Chana Goldstein chanagoldsteinjac@gmail.com
Chabad – Rabbi Shmuel Tiechtel rabbi@jewishasu.com
Chabad – Rebetzen Chana Tiechtel
Chabad – Rabbi Mendy Rimler
Respect parents /elders by calling your parents and telling them how much you love and appreciate them
Volunteer at an elderly care home
Love your neighbor/friend as yourself by:
Not speaking gossip for one hour/ one day or more
Returning a lost object
Offering someone a ride
Holding the door for another
Sharing a smile or words of encouragement
Expressing your appreciation for another person
Help the sick by:
Making a meal for someone who is ill
Visiting a sick person
Getting swabbed for Gift of Life
Donating blood
Mitzvah of protecting animals: Volunteer at an animal shelter
Save a life by donating blood